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Chinese translation for "policy holder"


Related Translations:
holder:  n.1.持(票)人;(土地、权利等的)所有人,货主。2.烟嘴;(笔)杆。3.台座,架;夹;储存器。短语和例子a holder of an office 负责人。 a record holder 记录保持人。 a share holder 股票持有人。 a bit [drill] holder 【机械工程】钻套。 a cigarette holder 烟嘴。 a pen ho
kettle holder:  n.(锅把的)布套。
record holder:  (最高)记录保持人。
share holder:  〔英国〕股东。
bottle holder:  1.瓶托,瓶架。2.【拳击】(拳击选手的)副手。3.后援(人)。
coat holder:  给(争斗者,竞技人等)拿上衣的人,旁观者。
cup holder:  奖杯保持者。
job holder:  1.有职业者。2.〔美国〕公务员。
cigar holder:  雪茄烟烟嘴。
loan holder:  债券持有人;(押款的)受押人。
Example Sentences:
1.An insurance company might need to know the amount of premiums paid by its policy holders .
2.The policy holder is the applicant for termination benefit
3.The policy holder shall protect the safety of the insured property
4.To report the loss of a policy , the policy holder should apply in person with his id card
5.Below this kind of circumstance , deal with retreat protect pair of policy holder for , the loss is the biggest
6.A policy holder of an insurance company was sentenced to 150 hours of community service for making false medical claims from the company
7.Directcar . com is a modern auto insurance company that sells insurance through the internet and has less than one million policy holders
Directcar . com是一家现代的汽车保险公司,该公司通过internet销售保险,拥有不到100万的保险客户。
8.If the policy holder conceals the actual circumstances of the insured property , the insurer shall have the right to rescind the contract or shall not be liable for making indemnity
9.The insurer may conduct safety inspections of the insured property , and , if it discovers unsafe aspects , it shall promptly notify the policy holder to eliminate them
10.Policy - holder requirement is adult and the person that have capacity of completely civil action , minor or the person that do not have civil action capacity cannot become policy holder
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